Showing posts with label Life talk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life talk. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Voluntary work

Hi there!
I am back after for more than one year. Now I am doing voluntary work at BAKTI-MIND ( I would like to share some of my research and reflections as a volunteer.
We provide people with information related to disabilities, either through the website or face to face. Time to time we go down rural areas in Malaysia like Kuala Gula in Perak. We did Economic Empowerment Program Assessment (EEPA) in different regions in Malaysia.
Mr Lee Chee Keong who is the web-master of having meeting with volunteers. 

Our aim is to empower people and help them to carry on with their lives INDEPENDENTLY. 
Harriett Naylor is largely recognized as one of the (if not, the) founders of the volunteer resource management profession. And as early as 1967, in the introduction to her pioneer work Volunteers Today: Finding, Training and Working With Them, she stated:
This book expresses the need of each volunteer to be treated as unique and valuable, to become involved in the lives of others, to be awed by the difference and enjoy building unity out of diversity.
As a foundation tenet of my personal philosophy of volunteerism, I believe that each individual, regardless of race or age or creed or gender or ability, has something, some gift or talent, to share with his/her community through volunteerism. I further believe that one of our most critical professional responsibilities as volunteer resource managers is to develop opportunities that allow each willing individual who so chooses to exercise his/her right to share that talent or gift with others as a volunteer.
Here is the video about: Immersion Program at BAKTI-MIND
Volunteers from differentparts of the world at BAKTI-MIND office
Article by Kimberly Miller, Pam Scoglio, and Stuart J. Schleien who emphasize that “when individuals of diverse abilities are supported appropriately . . . barriers [to engagement] can be successfully overcome and a win-win scenario realized”
Voluntary work gives me satisfaction that I have done something good. It is the best feeling ever!