Monday 13 June 2011

Laughter is the best medicine

Hi guys,
I’ve made presentation on topic  “ Laughter is the medicine”. I would like to share with you, as well. You should know that one of the best things you can do for your health is laughter. If you look up for tips of healthy lifestyle, you will see eating well, daily exercise, positive mental outlook and of course, laughter. Sometimes we take life seriously. Our days are running so fast and it seems like we don’t have time to laugh. Scientists identified that children laugh 300 times a day, but what about adults? 15 times. 15! What happens to us when we grow up?
Laughter improves job performance. Especially, if your job depends on creativity or solving complex problems.
Laughter also synchronizes the brains of speaker and listener, so they emotionally “tied”. Humor establishes or restores positive emotional climate and sense of connection between people. In fact, some researches believe that main function of laughter is to bring people together.
As we know, all our body work according to our brain and our heart is one of the important thing in our body, too. What I want to say is, when we laugh our body releases hormone called endorphin and it causes vessels to relax and increases blood flowing, blood supplied with oxygen. Moreover, endorphin’s known as natural painkiller which our body releases when we laugh. That is interesting to say that it happens even we make fake laugh, because according to scientists our brain cannot separate fake and true laugh. So just keep smiling.
As a prove to my words you can see clown doctors. Clown doctors work in hospitals and use their skills such as magic, balloon sculpting, storytelling, singing and other clowning skills to treat children with doses of fun. Perhaps children are being giving nasty medicine or injection. So clown doctors can distract them and nurses can do their job.
Finally, I say LIVE, LOVE and LAUGH, because LIFE is too short!

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